What is LOVE Christmas?
Since 2012, First Love Foundation have organised a LOVE Christmas Appeal for families and individuals that find this time of year particularly difficult. It is centred around a celebration; a wonderful opportunity for people to come together and receive some support, to lessen the isolation that many face during the Christmas season.

We believe everyone deserves to be loved. We don’t turn our heads away.
We don’t close our eyes.
No one should feel desperation.
No one should feel unloved and alone.
No one should slip through the cracks.
We put more than meals in bellies.
We put hope in hearts.
We put lives back on track.
We open eyes and make others feel empathy. We are the bridge between crisis and resilience. We turn fear into confidence.
We help people take control of their own lives. We empower them to start living again. Because everyone has the right to be loved.